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National Forest Campground Reservation System


On-line campground reservations:

The National Recreation Reservation Center allows you to reserve a specific site at your favorite campground. Simply tell the Recreation Specialist the type of adventure you want - hiking, boating, fishing, etc. - and he/she will help locate the National Forest that's right for you.

Reservations are advised for all selected National Forest campgrounds during "peak seasons". The peak season for most campgrounds is Memorial Day through Labor Day. Most Ranger Districts keep some sites open after Labor Day, weather permitting. For Recreation Reservations use the web link above or call: 1-800-280-2267.

Call the National Reservation Center to make phone-in reservations at least 5 days in advance of the first night of your trip. Mail-in reservations must be made at least 10 days in advance. The USFS Reservation Center will collect all fees - the resevation fee and the camping fee for all nights of your visit at the time you make your reservation. MasterCard and Visa are accepted with phone-in reservations. Personal checks, money orders, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted for mail-in reservations. Fees for campsites vary, the Reservation Fee (non-refundable) for Family Camping Sites is $8.25, the Cancellation Fee is $16.50.

Call the Reservation Center if you would like to receive a mail-in reservation application form. You may mail in reservation applications 12 months in advance of your first night of arrival for group sites and 240 days in advance of your first night of arrival for single family sites. Applications received earlier will be returned without processing. Be sure to include alternate dates and campgrounds on your applications. If your original request cannot be filled, a reasonable attempt will be made to reach you to obtain an alternate date, but if that is not possible, your application will be returned unfilled. Reservation vouchers cannot be held for you at the campground or mailed to a temporary address.