Monroe Mountain Get-a-way
you have been looking for a new get-a-way in a spectacular alpine setting you ought to
check out Monroe Mountain. Located in south-central Utah, Monroe Mountain runs roughly north-south between the towns of Koosharem on
the east and Marysvale on the west.
The mountain rises to just over 11,000 feet and is covered by quaking aspen and pines and dotted with beautiful alpine meadows, springs and small streams.
A number of years ago the DWR discovered native Bonneville cutthroat trout in several small streams in southern Utah. A plan was developed to not only protect these native fish, but to propagate them and where practical, restore them to their original drainages.
Manning Meadow Reservoir, on Monroe Mountain, was purchased and turned into a brood lake for the cutthroats. An egg taking facility was built and the native fish were transplanted into the lake.
For the next several years the lake was closed to fishing while the fish grew in size and while the population increased in number. Now the reservoir is open to fishing between the second Saturday of July and December 31 of each year. Fishing is restricted to artificial flies and lures only and the trout limit is two fish.
The small stream (Manning Creek) flowing out of Manning Meadow Reservoir and off the west side of the mountain has also been planted with native cutthroat trout. As the population in this stream increases it will become a wonderful fishery.
Here is a summary of the lakes and stream on the mountain that are worth checking out:
Barney Reservoir Planted with native cutthroat trout, this reservoir, surrounded by thick pine trees, makes a wonderful destination. Fishing wont be fast but should be steady. This lake is restricted to artificial flies and lures only and the trout limit is two fish. Not much area for camping in the immediate vicinity of the lake. No developed campgrounds. Primitive camping is allowed.
Upper and Lower Box Creek Reservoirs These two reservoir are used for irrigation and so the water level fluctuates depending on the water year.
Fishing success varies depending on the amount of water in these reservoirs. The last few years have been wet and so there has been plenty of water and fishing has been good.
These two reservoirs are planted with rainbow and brook trout and fishing is generally good for pan-sized fish. No special regulations on either of these waters. No campgrounds in the immediate area. Primitive camping is allowed.
Manning Creek Small stream that flows through a beautiful canyon. A trail follows the stream when it leaves the road. Planted with native cutthroat trout. The fish population is growing but it will be several more years before fishing will be fast. No special regulations here.
Manning Meadow Reservoir Brood lake for native Bonneville cutthroat trout. Flies and lures only. Trout limit two fish. Open between the second Saturday of July and December 31 of each year.
This is a beautiful reservoir situated at the bottom end of a spectacular alpine meadow. No boat ramp car toppers and hand launch boats only. No campgrounds in the area. Primitive camping is allowed.