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Fishing with SHH Boom Lures

Dear Editor:shhboomlures.jpg (17995 bytes)

I have enclosed some information about a lure I just discovered. It is the best Strawberry lure I have ever used. It works even better than the old Strawberry wobblers that used to be sold by Phil's Boat Camp back in the good old days.

This is a good casting and trolling lure that was invented by Gary Adamson from Springville. He made the first ones the old fashioned way, by hand, with a hacksaw and a hammer. It was, "quite a bit of work to cut and hammer each lure," he says. Now the lures are made the modern way with an electric milling machine in 1,000-lot runs.

Gary's wife, Sharon gets in on the action as the painter and dot maker. She paints 100 lures at a time, first with a white base coat, then there are 11 different color combinations to choose from, plus the dots.

This operation is very labor intensive and time consuming, but the end result is well worth the extra effort and it really shows when it comes time to catch some fish.

Sharon says, "The first fish we caught at Strawberry on our SHH BOOM lures was a great thrill and the start of the company. At first we weren't too excited to tell others about the new lure. Sharon says, "Gary didn't want to sell any of them. He wanted to be the only one on the lake fishing with them."

Finally after Gary and Sharon had made a couple dozen lures and given some to their friends, the secret got out. They weren't prepared for what happened next. People started calling, asking for the lures.

The rest is history and now the lures are available at most sporting goods and tackle shops in the Intermountain area. They are also available on the internet at

To order the lures by mail send a S.A.S.F. to SG Lures (141 East 550 North, Springville, UT 84663) and ordering information and prices will be sent to you.

The SHH BOOM lures should be trolled very slowly. When the lure is trolled at the right speed it flutters up and down and then darts left or right. Not even the inventor can explain this darting action, but it is this action that excites the fish and separates this lure from all the other ones out there.

I like to troll the lure at a super slow speed using a light line (6 pound test) with 100 to 150 feet of line out. It is a lot of fun fighting big fish and not pop gear.

Good luck and good fishing

John Dade