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Facts About Anglers

a. Only about 20% of the American population actively fishes and purchases licenses in any single year. Still that amounts to over 50 million anglers.

b. 88% of Americans have fished at least once during their lives.

c. Nearly 10% of all women over the age of 16 fish.

d. Among active anglers, 95% fished as a child while 5% did not.

e. The fastest growing outdoor activity in the U.S. is bird watching. Hiking is second. Then comes skiing, primitive camping and walking. Fishing isn't growing nationwide, it is in a slight downturn.

f. About 90% of all anglers in 1996 were Anglo, 5% Black and 5% other minorities.

g. Males constituted 73% of the angling population and females 27%.

h. In a nationwide survey administered in 1996, using self-reporting estimates, over one half of active freshwater anglers felt their fishing activity would increase or stay the same. Another 38% of active freshwater anglers felt that they would probably fish less often. However, this same group, when asked if they would like to fish more often, overwhelmingly responded in the affirmative.

i. The reasons most people fish, decreasing in order of importance are: 1. experience nature; 2. escape; 3. making a mental change; 4. exploring; 5. avoiding other's expectations; 6. enjoying family togetherness; 7. releasing tension; 8. achieving; 9. keeping physically fit; 10. controlling or dominating and 11. seeking thrills.

j. The best indicator of long-term fishing involvement is fishing during the teenage years.

Taken From: Factors influencing recreational sportfishing and boating participation prepared for the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, April 1, 1998.